The Large Hadron Collider and Discovery of the Higgs Boson
– 50 years of the Higgs Mechanism
After describing the Large Hadron Collider located at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, the present highest energetic collider in the world, we will describe the Higgs boson mechanism and its discovery in the ATLAS and CMS experiments, that lead to the Nobel Prize in Physics of last year. We will also describe briefly new methods to look for extra-dimensions in the Universe.
Data: 6 de fevereiro
Hora: 11 h (será servido um pequeno lanche às 10:30 h)
Local: Instituto de Física - Sala 343-A
Palestra: Palestra_ROYON.pdf
O Instituto de Física comemora
50 Anos de Fundação
Christophe Royon
Institut des Recherches Fondamentales sur l'Univers, CEA Saclay